Thanks to our revolutionary protocol management app, OneDose™, and the world’s first patient scale for ambulance gurneys, OneWeight™, Hinckley Medical is ushering in a new era of EMS technology. OneDose powered by OneWeight introduces an unprecedented level of accuracy, optimization, and confidence in EMS prehospital care. Accurate dosing — no guesswork. Whether you’re a frontline EMS professional, a clinical advocate, or a manager of emergency services, you’re sure to appreciate the simplicity, effectiveness, and life-saving benefits that come with automated, actual-weight-based calculations and integrated protocols.

No Weight Guessing
Increase efficiency and confidence of EMS professionals by providing fast, actual patient weights. OneDose seamlessly pairs with our OneWeight scale. The scale automatically zeros (tares) once a patient is positioned. Their actual body weight is displayed on the LCD and OneDose app for easy reference.

No Weight Guessing
Increase efficiency and confidence of EMS professionals by providing fast, actual patient weights. OneDose seamlessly pairs with our OneWeight scale. The scale automatically zeros (tares) once a patient is positioned. Their actual body weight is displayed on the LCD and OneDose app for easy reference.

Reduced Cognitive Calculations
Prevent errors by removing mental calculations during high-stress situations. OneDose outputs all medications and equipment that are needed in one click. Select the main protocol and receive the list of items needed in both dose amount and volume.

Reduced Cognitive Calculations
Prevent errors by removing mental calculations during high-stress situations. OneDose outputs all medications and equipment that are needed in one click. Select the main protocol and receive the list of items needed in both dose amount and volume.

Minimal Training Required
Operate the OneDose/OneWeight System with just a few simple steps. We took our customers into consideration with a simple plug-n-play approach to the design.

Minimal Training Required
Operate the OneDose/OneWeight System with just a few simple steps. We took our customers into consideration with a simple plug-n-play approach to the design.

Precise Documentation
Timestamped actions provide treatment records and future historical insights. OneDose documents the patient’s weight and any medications or equipment used. After the call, simply access information in the OneDose history log.

Precise Documentation
Timestamped actions provide treatment records and future historical insights. OneDose documents the patient’s weight and any medications or equipment used. After the call, simply access information in the OneDose history log.

Intoxicating? Maybe, in a manner of speaking. Hinckley Medical’s OneDose protocol management app, powered by our OneWeight gurney scale, relieves many routine stresses that come with EMS work. In fact, business managers often tell us that medic retention improves dramatically after incorporating OneDose/OneWeight into their workflows! You can download a more complete product sheet here.
Here are some key OneDose features.
- Instantly calculate necessary medications, equipment, and more
- Compare pre-scene estimates with point-of-care actual weights
- View your organization’s full protocol at any time
- Compare medication dosages using estimated versus actual weights
- Track patient interaction history automatically
- Manage medication calculations, equipment sizes, and provider guidelines in one place
- Update (push) new protocols to team members and get receipt verifications

Intoxicating? Maybe, in a manner of speaking. Hinckley Medical’s OneDose protocol management app, powered by our OneWeight gurney scale, relieves many routine stresses that come with EMS work. In fact, business managers often tell us that medic retention improves dramatically after incorporating OneDose/OneWeight into their workflows! You can download a more complete product sheet here.
Here are some key OneDose features.
- Instantly calculate necessary medications, equipment, and more
- Compare pre-scene estimates with point-of-care actual weights
- View your organization’s full protocol at any time
- Compare medication dosages using estimated versus actual weights
- Track patient interaction history automatically
- Manage medication calculations, equipment sizes, and provider guidelines in one place
- Update (push) new protocols to team members and get receipt verifications