About us
Hinckley Medical’s OneDose/OneWeight system was inspired by weight-estimation challenges faced by paramedics. With great passion and determination, we embarked on a mission to provide next-generation technologies to EMS professionals and help prevent tragic consequences of prehospital dosing errors.
Until now, EMS professionals have been left to guess patient weights in the field. These weight-estimation methods rely on IDEAL body weights to determine dosing. In addition, emergency-services personnel have been required to perform many mental calculations and conversions in high-stress situations. As a result:
Up to 1 in 3 prehospital pediatric doses are critically incorrect.*
More than 50% of EMS medical errors are due to incorrect weight estimation and cognitive errors.**
100,000+ adverse patient outcomes are due to prehospital dosing errors each year.***
**Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6919435/
***Sources: i) There are 28.5 million EMS dispatches per year across 41 states, https://www.ems1.com/ambulance-service/articles/national-association-of-state-ems-officials-releases-stats-on-local-agencies-911-calls-LPQTHJrK2oIpxuR1/
ii) 5.9% of patient interactions have error incidents and 15% of error incidents result in patient harm, https://psnet.ahrq.gov/issue/how-safe-prehospital-care-systematic-review
Extrapolation) 28,500,000 dispatches per year x 0.059 error-incident percentage x 0.15 patient-harm percentage = 252,225 adverse patient outcomes per year (U.S. only)
OneDose powered by OneWeight provides accurate, ACTUAL patient weights in the field. This eliminates guesswork, reduces cognitive calculations, and increases preparedness — so EMS providers can confidently tackle every prehospital emergency situation.
Our team has been thoughtfully assembled and holds our core values of Quality, Integrity, and Innovation paramount. We promise an uncompromising commitment to the development of technologies which ease burdens on EMS professionals and help them provide the best life-saving care.

Advisory Board
David Hirschman, MD
Children’s Minnesota
Charles Sloan III, NRP, EMD-Q
Hennepin Healthcare, EMS
Thomas Dunn, NREMT-P, AA
M Health Fairview, EMS