“EMS World is proud to present the finalists for the 2022 EMS World Innovation Awards. The Innovation Awards program recognizes the industry’s most pioneering products of the year that have the potential to transform EMS care.

An independent panel of judges consisting of EMS World editorial advisory board members evaluated each entry on its innovation, features, and applicability to EMS delivery. Products must be new or have undergone significant design changes after January 2021.

From this pool of finalists, judges will meet one-on-one with company representatives during EMS World Expo, October 10-14 in Orlando, to trial each product, learn about its application, and determine whether it is worthy of this esteemed honor. The top-scoring products will be named 2022 Innovation Award winners and profiled in the December 2022 issue of EMS World.

If you’re attending EMS World Expo, be sure to visit the following exhibitors to see how their products, technologies, and services will transform the delivery of prehospital care. For more information visit EMSWorldExpo.com.

Here are the candidates the EMS World judging panel selected as finalists for 2022, listed in alphabetical order. EMS World congratulates the finalists for this accomplishment…”

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